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3 Common Resume Mistakes


We have a bit of resume help that will keep your resume out of the discard pile so you can land that interview!

Everyone wants to land an interview with their (hopefully) future employer. There are some pretty common mistakes that will land your resume in the discard pile if you’re not careful. The truth is, your resume needs to not only catch the eye of your employer, but also the software recruiters use to process and sort through resumes. There are a variety of reasons your application received zero responses. Here are the top three mistakes our experts at our resume writing service find frequently, and a bit of resume help to avoid them!

1. Typos and Grammatical Errors on your Resume and Cover Letter

We all make grammar blunders every now and then. The biggest tip we can give is that your resume and cover letter should be free of all errors and mistakes in this department. It’s easy to overlook typos, so proofreading is a must! Better yet, have someone give you a bit of resume help and proofread for you. Your most reliable course of action is to hire a professional resume writer who is trained to catch these common errors that can tarnish your hire-ability. Avoidable mistakes like typos can cost you an interview, and in this competitive job climate it’s best to make an error free first impression! Here at El Paso Professional Resumes, our grammar editor reads every document line-by-line to catch any typos or mistakes.

2. Bad Formatting

A properly formatted resume and cover letter communicates a few different things to your future employer. Firstly, it communicates your ability to pay attention to detail. A well formatted cover letter and resume is an indication of your potential performance as an employee. Is your resume and cover letter easily readable, or is it cluttered and hard to understand? A well written resume will have a clear, easy to navigate format. The easier it is for your future employer to spot your skillset, past job titles and education, the better chance you will get a call back. The extra effort and time it take to have a well formatted resume and cover letter can help you rise above the competition and stand out as an employee. In fact, most recruiters and hiring officials only look at your resume for a matter of seconds before they decide if they want to move you on in the process or not. That clean formatted first impression is a must! Aligning your margins, avoiding multiple fonts or bullet points and even adding a bit of color can make all the difference. Always remember that the way your resume looks portrays your level of professionalism.

3. Not Enough Keywords

While you are trying to impress a future employer, keep in mind that many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to sift through applications and resumes. Applicant tracking systems are looking for the right keywords, and the difference these keywords in your resume and cover letter make can be the gateway to getting your resume into your employers hands. When there is a large volume of applicants, these systems help employers decide who they want to potentially interview. How do you know what is a keyword and what isn’t? Keywords will more than likely be in the job description formatted as information in bullet points, certifications required, as well as phrases that describe something you already do as a candidate. You shouldn't dump keywords all over your resume and cover letter. Keywords should be placed throughout your resume methodically, describing vital information about you as a candidate. The most qualified candidate will not make it past the ATS if they don’t have the keywords in the resume. This means that a hiring official will never lay hands on their resume. Again, seeking resume help from a qualified resume writer could make all the difference.

Find the Resume Help You Need Today!

Here at El Paso Professional Resumes, we understand this competitive job climate. We know what employers are looking for in a well formatted resume. Our clients have seen a success rate of being interviewed and referred within weeks of using our services. Give us a call today for a free consultation! Take the stress out of writing your resume, and let one of our professionals tackle the resume writing to showcase your value!


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